Change Agent Exploration

The concept of Change Agent Exploration is to inspire young entrepreneur and Cambodia students by documentary from the change makers interview. We interviewed many change makers via Skype and e-mail. Some are millionaires and some are not. Some are success and some are not yet. We have two phases in this Exploration. First phase, each student in the Exploration have to choose three Entrepreneurs (not inventors) that are identified as change agent and try to contact them for interview via Skype. I chose Uri Levine co-founder of Waze, Massoud Hassani – founder of Mine Kafon and Biz Solution because I noticed them as the change agents through many ways. I wrote email to them for interview request and eventually Uri Levine responded back. I don’t know how to describe when I got receive email from him. I asked him to interview via Skype but due to different time zones and he travels a lot, we couldn’t Skype. Uri Levine was kind enough for me to interview via email. I sent him the questions and he replied back with helpful answers.

Questions and Answers

Check Audio Script


For second phase was about Social Enterprise. I chose Kailash Satyarthi, novel peace prize winner 2015, Raj Panjabi Founder and CEO of Last Mile Health but they didn’t responded back.

I have learned many things from this Exploration, different ways to write email to different people, tried to find some similarities about them and us. Also I learned some strategies to talk with busy people.

Drone Lesson

Liger bought two DJI drones, one is for the training and another is for the filming that has a camera attached. Drone were introduce when a filming team from United State that came to take a film about Liger. The drone really inspire me as well as everyone at Liger. Everybody want one. Eventually, a team of three students start an Exploration about drone and ask Liger to buy one. They involved in Drone for weeks and become an expert pilot. The pilots filmed about our school, NGOs like CamKids and our trip in Koh Seh Island and they become a filming company.

Liger also want other Liger student to become pilots. So, Liger bought a new drone without Camera in a cheap price because it is better to accidentally crush the trees instead of the crushing the trees with the Camera drone while we do the training.

We have an After School Extension that host by Liger expert pilot and get help by Jan. I was lucky to sign up for ASE first and it is a best chance to fly a drone.

Flying drone is not easy, it is harder than what people think. We have to be patient, go slow and importantly to know its direction. Otherwise, the drone could crash with something. My friend crashed the drone once because he doesn’t know its direction of the drone. The first time I learn how to fly, I almost crash the drone.

This video is when I fly the drone on the second time, where I have more control with the drone.

Marine Life Radio Broadcasting

In our Khmer class this year was interesting. Our Khmer teacher was a radio speaker that have many experience about it and he wanted Liger students to write and record a script. The theme of the broadcast is about Marine Life in Cambodia. We partner with a NGO call FFI to give information about marine life. The broadcast could be a story telling, conservation and more. We divided into group of three students and our group chose Dugong as our animal that we want to talk in the broadcasting. Our broadcast is like a story telling and conservation, where we act the Dugongs in the story.

Below is our broadcasting: