Wire frame for ILO

Charlie from International Labour Organization (ILO) was submitting a mobile application idea to Boston University. When his idea pass, students from the BU will develop the app. However, he needed Visal (my friend) and I help to do a wireframe for his app in FOUR days.


A wireframe is a blueprint and flow of app before doing an actual design on a computer. Visal and I had couple times designing our own apps, so wireframe was not a problem, but to finish the wireframe in a short time w

as challenging. We spend 3 hours sketching on paper and 5 hours wire framing on Adobe Xs.

Model United Nation at Saigon

From March, 30 to April 1, I was attending Model United Nation at Saigon, Vietnam, which is called SIAMUN. This was my second of participating as the delegate in Model United Nation (MUN). I was representing as the delegate of the Federal Republic of Germany in The Economic and Financial Committee, General Assembly 2. The topics were:

  1. The question of tax evasion by multinational corporations (MNCs).
  2. The question on the implementation of a universal minimum wage
  3. The question of the legality and use of Bitcoin
  4. The question of overseas aid to lower income countries

Among of those topics, I was focusing on the first topic, because tax and how companies avoiding tax is interesting to learn. I have plenty of help from my entrepreneur teacher relating to this.

During the assembly, I had more confidence than my first time. I asked some questions to the house and made a few speeches than ISPPMUN. I knew that my public speaking skill needed a lot of improvement, and by participating in this event, bringing me closer to perfect of this skill.


Experience in Debate and Speech Expertise

Speech and debate is one of the skill I was likely inept at. I tended to be nervous in front of people when people staring at me. This is the reason I was in Speech and Debate expertise to learn how to be a better speaker and debater. In my session, I did three debates. My debating skill improved after others as I get more tips and term. One of the technique of debate was trying to cite a lot of sources but don’t cite Google. Other than debates, this session also covered how to make persuasive speech. Not to mention, we watched a YouTube video explaining about strategies that Trump used in his debate. We were learning about debates so it was helpful to know of that.

Google App Script – Independent Discovery

I always want to improve my coding skill and I have had many Independent Discovery about coding. For this Independent Discovery, I’m coding Google Apps. I can add my code to any Google Apps such as Spreadsheet, Docs, Form, etc. So, why Google Apps? Most of Liger students and staffs use Google like Google Drive, Spreadsheets, Docs. I was sure that they had a bad day interact with them. I was thinking if I could write a feature that solves some problems they have, it would be better. I have interviewed a facilitator and a catering manager about their problems with Google Spreadsheet or Google Docs.

Caroline, a facilitator had a problem with copying a Master Docs and Sharing and I fixed that with some lines of code.

Matt, Catering manager had a really big problem with Ordering Form Spreadsheets. Liger just has an ordering form system for each apartment to order items to cook. There are eight apartments and every apartment has a Spreadsheet to order the items. In some case, the items weren’t on the list so Matt has to go to every spreadsheet of all apartments and add a new item. Another case is the item price is not constant, some months might the price is increase and Matt has to change the price to every spreadsheet. Yes, each apartment spreadsheet has 12 sheets. 8 * 12 = 96 sheets. It means if he wants to add a new item or change price, he must add or change to 96 sheets.


I wrote the feature for him and it much faster than copy and paste. Video below is the features demonstration on ordering form:

My Independent Discovery

My Independent Discovery is about Coding Java. I learned the basic of it and I made a simple Graphic User Interface (GUI) calculator. Java is very easy to learn but when I learned Object-oriented programming (OOP) is very tricky for me to understand the process. I learned Java from Youtube videos and search on Google.



Social Media Expetise

Students are Liger are eyes and ear of Liger and know more about Liger than other people in the world. Liger want to share what we doing in school by Social Media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Vine. In this years Liger have the class that authorize to us to share the idea of the posts in Facebook and Instagram. Everyweek I have an idea of Facebook post and Instagram.

Facebook post of my idea

Call the fire department, my tongue is ablaze! In our #ChiliSauceExploration, Liger students will spend the entire…

Posted by Liger Leadership Academy on 10 កញ្ញា 2015

And these two in in Instagram:
