I made my first AR application

On Friday 27th 2017, I attended to a workshop about AR application hosted by Eric Gu. I was not chosen to be on the trip but I asked to join and gave up a class because I found out that AR is very fascinating. AR is short for Augmented Reality. It is a new technology that generates an enhanced version of reality on an image of something being viewed through a device (such as a smartphone camera). For example, Pokemon game uses AR technology with smartphone camera. We can move the camera and the object looked real. 

Eric showed a tutorial for making an AR application on Unity. To do this, we needed a Vuforia package that has AR camera code. AR camera can be train to recognize an image. For Eric’s demo, he already trained the applications to see a card. If the camera detected the card image, we can add any objects, for example a cube to the card. I followed the tutorial with a lot of excitement and when I made a simple AR application; it was so AMAZING. I played the card around, and the cube followed the card. Playing a game on AR was even cooler, Eric showed a tanks shooting  game on AR controlled by computers but the picture was from the camera and the tanks and games components was from the application. Basically, AR allowed people to play a digital game on a real table.  Eric also showed a presentations and videos what AR is and what the future looked like when AR implemented. I was blown away. 


This is my holiday

Some went to their home with their family, some went to Kampot Writer Festival and I decided to stay at Liger for my Water Festival holiday. Time from this holiday was a big opportunity for me to work on my project works. One of which was was VEX robotics. I spent about two days to design the scissors mechanism from Inventor. My friends found out that it’s hard to assemble parts in Inventor and it is true at the beginning. I figured out an easier way along the way.  Currently, we don’t have some parts at our class and the ability to assemble part virtually from the computer, I can design scissor mechanism faster and more organize. Once the design is done, I can order the missing parts then I can go straight to assemble the robot. 

Here is a video of scissor mechanisms simulation that I had designed over the holiday:

Participating Model United Nations for my first time

In October 20th to 22th of 2017, I took part into ISPPMUN for my first time. MUN is abbreviated for Model United Nations, an event to simulate UN conference where students or colleges collaborated to make resolutions for different world issue topics through fruitful debates.

Before the conference, I had to research a lot about my committee topics to make sure I understand them and my country position. I was representing the delegate of Mexico in General Assembly Three and the three topics were:

“The question of suitable working conditions and workers’ rights.”

“The question of combating hate organizations.”

“The question of reducing the gender wage gap.”


This conference helped me to improve in many skills such as, public speaking, communication and problem solving. It was scary at first because I was not aware and adapt to the procedures, rules and usage of terms. For example, all the delegates are prohibited to use personal pronouns, like I and you, instead delegates can use he/she or delegate of country. Strange but that is what United Nations practices. The event was trying to simulated the UN conference as much as possible and it revealed me the pictures for a real conference. Noted that it was not fun to research but when the event came, I had some fun along the way. Not fun in a hehe and haha way, but in away giving speeches then answer delegates’ questions. I felt pride which is fun. I love MUN.



Attending in Startup Weekend 2017


On a weekend, September 29, 2017, I attended a Startup Weekend powered by Google, an event where a group of attendance can start and complete a startup (a new business idea) that related to Education from Friday evening to Sunday night.

On the event, my friends and I were the youngest attendances and other attendances were college students and company employees that aged up to 30s years old. I joined this event for my second time and I gave a pitch about creating a forum that connects people especially students with teachers and experts. Students can post questions that related to Khmer, Math and other subjects while the teachers and experts can answer those questions. Unfortunately, my idea did not get enough votes to be the top 10. Therefore, I joined a 10 top idea about bringing people to experience real-life experience. The next two days, Saturday and Sunday, our team put all of the effort to develop the idea, answering business canvas questions, building a prototype website and preparing for the final pitch to the judge.

For me, starting a new business idea is not an easy thing. It took us about a day to finalize our idea. We named our company TripRean. Trip + Rean (Rean is Khmer word that means learn). We give services to schools and individuals for organizing educational trips to many different places in Cambodia. Schools and individuals can book the ticket and all the transportations, food, stay and tour we would be organized. This is similar to a trip agency, but our trip focusing on education. We want, especially, high school students to be involved in real life experience. For example, a trip to see birds in Preah Vihear and learn about them. Rarely, students never experience this, that is why we are here to help them. After the pitch, our idea won third place for the best idea and we got many awards and even two investors willing to invest in our company. This was such a great experience for a high school student like me to be involved in business and change the country.

This is the link to our prototype website I made during the event. 


My TED Talk

It was crazy to be a TED speaker. Come up with a great idea to speak about that could persuade the TED organizers isn’t easy things. I have dug for a great idea for days to convince the organizer and finally, I was one of the 15 speakers. This news is very exciting, but I have to work really hard to prepare for the final talk. My idea was “Cambodia students should learn to code” that’s all. The topic is not that exciting.

Well, I asked my coding mentor for some feedback about my topic and he explained many ideas that relate to “The zero magical cost society”. I implemented his ideas to my talk because it relevance to coding. I mentioned some companies like Facebook, Google and more and how they have changed the world to persuade the audience to code. Check out my talk of they persuaded you.

Google App Script – Independent Discovery

I always want to improve my coding skill and I have had many Independent Discovery about coding. For this Independent Discovery, I’m coding Google Apps. I can add my code to any Google Apps such as Spreadsheet, Docs, Form, etc. So, why Google Apps? Most of Liger students and staffs use Google like Google Drive, Spreadsheets, Docs. I was sure that they had a bad day interact with them. I was thinking if I could write a feature that solves some problems they have, it would be better. I have interviewed a facilitator and a catering manager about their problems with Google Spreadsheet or Google Docs.

Caroline, a facilitator had a problem with copying a Master Docs and Sharing and I fixed that with some lines of code.

Matt, Catering manager had a really big problem with Ordering Form Spreadsheets. Liger just has an ordering form system for each apartment to order items to cook. There are eight apartments and every apartment has a Spreadsheet to order the items. In some case, the items weren’t on the list so Matt has to go to every spreadsheet of all apartments and add a new item. Another case is the item price is not constant, some months might the price is increase and Matt has to change the price to every spreadsheet. Yes, each apartment spreadsheet has 12 sheets. 8 * 12 = 96 sheets. It means if he wants to add a new item or change price, he must add or change to 96 sheets.


I wrote the feature for him and it much faster than copy and paste. Video below is the features demonstration on ordering form:

My Independent Discovery

My Independent Discovery is about Coding Java. I learned the basic of it and I made a simple Graphic User Interface (GUI) calculator. Java is very easy to learn but when I learned Object-oriented programming (OOP) is very tricky for me to understand the process. I learned Java from Youtube videos and search on Google.



My Expertise Python Programming

Hello! My name is Vuthy. My expertise is Python Programming. I have been learn Python seen the my first Tech Support Exploration. I learn Python from Codecademy website. This help me to learn basic Python program and I have been practice with Python with Codecademy a lot. When I had complete Python for 49% I was straggling. So I decided to learn Python from Youtube and I installed Python 2.7 to my computer. Everyday, when I have free time I alway learn Python by my own. When I had any problems with Python I always send an email to my mentor. He is really good at Python and he know a lot even small problem that I never think of he can fix. Google said that Python can do a lot of stuff but when I learned all the basic programming finish it can’t do anything. It just can edit text Read and Write in Notepad. Why other people said that Python can make application, game… So I started to Google python make game. Finally I knew that we need to learn Pygame. So I went to Youtube and learn from their tutorials. In Pygame tutorial they said i need to installed pygame and in the tutorial it use Python 3 so I install Python 3.4.2. I did download correctly but when I write the code like the tutorial there was an error. I install pygame again and again but it didn’t work. so I send an email to ask my teacher why it not work and I copied the errors to him. He is really good, He can fix it. Finally it worked. I continued Pygame tutorials and I understood all of them. Then I made my own game similar to the game in the tutorials but have a little bit updates and I make it by my own. It took me for two weeks to make one game. Now I started to learn about Tkinter GUI. My challenge is to fixed the problems that I had. If I can’t fix I always send an email to my mentor in Poland. My favorite things are to write the programs and run it and it do some amazing stuffs like open the browsers, open application and to understand Python tricks. If I not good at Scratch it difficult for me to learn Python and it very different from Scratch but the ideas are the same. When I learn Tkinter GUI finish i will use my knowledges to make an application for school library like sign in sign out the book, ipod, cameras… and if you are late to return it will send you the email. It hard to learn Python tutorial in English and sometime I need to see again and I don’t like to read the documents. I love coding.