Law of Demand (Economic)

[wr_row][wr_column]In my Economic Advanced Enrichment we learned about Law of Demand, Good and Services, Opportunity cost, Substitutes Affect, Purchasing Power and Decreasing Marginal Utility. I got to choose one topics and make poster, video or Scratch to show what is the topic about and I chose Law of Demand and I made it in Scratch. You have to click the link below to see my simulation. If you have trouble how to use it watch the video.

Programming Description (Python)

Exploration: Programming
Teacher: Alli and Corey
Number of Students: 16

In this Exploration we learned how to program (also called coding). First day of the Exploration we wrote the instructions step by step (turn right 90 degrees, go forward 10 steps….) to tell a robot to go to a room somewhere in my school step by step (turn right 90 degrees, go forward 10 steps, etc). We had some challenges like wolf, sheep and cabbages need to cross the river, gold bars and etc. After that we started to learn to code in the computer. Luckily Alli and Corey chose Python to teach. I have learned Python in my Expertise in TechSupport Exploration so I am very comfortable with it and other students were new to coding. In class we learned how to make simple games like rock paper scissors, guessing a number from 1-100: these are small projects that we did. The bigger project is Hangman Game which is the game to guess a word that the computer chooses. The biggest project was making our own game or simulation. My team made a shooting game. This game has two ships that shoot each other; if their health is equal to zero they would die. The game I use Pygame library to make and it need to have two players to play. It took me three weeks to make it.

On the Sharation day I showed this game to Dr. Hang Chuon Naron, Minister of Education Youth and Sport of Cambodia. He played my game with me and he was very interested in my game. He was really good at playing my game. He beat me. After we played he asked me how to make this game. To explain the code is really hard for those who don’t know anything about it so I made a demo of my game to show him. I told some of my code to him and how I debug it. Also he asked me where I learned it. I said I learned it from the Internet. He was impressed with me. At last we shaked our hands.

My Expertise Python Programming

Hello! My name is Vuthy. My expertise is Python Programming. I have been learn Python seen the my first Tech Support Exploration. I learn Python from Codecademy website. This help me to learn basic Python program and I have been practice with Python with Codecademy a lot. When I had complete Python for 49% I was straggling. So I decided to learn Python from Youtube and I installed Python 2.7 to my computer. Everyday, when I have free time I alway learn Python by my own. When I had any problems with Python I always send an email to my mentor. He is really good at Python and he know a lot even small problem that I never think of he can fix. Google said that Python can do a lot of stuff but when I learned all the basic programming finish it can’t do anything. It just can edit text Read and Write in Notepad. Why other people said that Python can make application, game… So I started to Google python make game. Finally I knew that we need to learn Pygame. So I went to Youtube and learn from their tutorials. In Pygame tutorial they said i need to installed pygame and in the tutorial it use Python 3 so I install Python 3.4.2. I did download correctly but when I write the code like the tutorial there was an error. I install pygame again and again but it didn’t work. so I send an email to ask my teacher why it not work and I copied the errors to him. He is really good, He can fix it. Finally it worked. I continued Pygame tutorials and I understood all of them. Then I made my own game similar to the game in the tutorials but have a little bit updates and I make it by my own. It took me for two weeks to make one game. Now I started to learn about Tkinter GUI. My challenge is to fixed the problems that I had. If I can’t fix I always send an email to my mentor in Poland. My favorite things are to write the programs and run it and it do some amazing stuffs like open the browsers, open application and to understand Python tricks. If I not good at Scratch it difficult for me to learn Python and it very different from Scratch but the ideas are the same. When I learn Tkinter GUI finish i will use my knowledges to make an application for school library like sign in sign out the book, ipod, cameras… and if you are late to return it will send you the email. It hard to learn Python tutorial in English and sometime I need to see again and I don’t like to read the documents. I love coding.


Robotics Description

Simple Robot

Exploration Name: Robotics

Exploration Dates: Exploration 3: November 20 – January 17 and Exploration 4: January 20 – March 7

Number of Students: 6

Description: In our Exploration class we learned about natural disasters and how to make the robot with the lego bricks. The lego brick is really complicated to do the robot because it is small. The lego box has four sensors: ultrasonic sensor, color sensor, touch sensor and gyro sensor. The ultrasonic sensor is used for measuring the length. The color sensor is used for measuring the reflection of color. The touch sensor is used for touching something that tells about the place. It will send the information to the brain. We learned about how to program, build and about natural disasters. Each of these are very important and it gave lots of advantages because we needed to use all of the skills to do it. Building is the most important, which gives most advantages too because building is the first step to make the robot. Programming is the most difficult part because we need to write the code to make the robot work. When we started to learn our group needed to think about the ideas to make a robot that can do the challenge and complete the four goals of the challenge. They are Mechanical Design, Strategy & Innovation, Robot Performance and Programming. The natural disaster was divided into three parts: Presentation, Innovation Solution means how creative was the solution that we did and Research. The challenge was we needed to make the robot knock down the building, tsunami, take the track and the ambulance to the end zone.The students needed to work ìn a team with six people to have success in the FIRST® LEGO® League in Singapore. We had to look and watch lots of videos to get more ideas. We also looked at the rules of the game in order to learn more about the challenge. Then we went to Singapore to do the challenge.

This is the Prezi slideshow that we presented to the judge:

This is some our photo at Singapore

Robotices Time at Phnome Penh Airport We had practice with SAS students about robotic Simple Robot Presentation Singapore American School showed Simple Robot Team of their Robot

Scratch Description

Name of Course: Scratch

Learning Facilitator: Max

Number of Students: 13

Advanced Enrichment Dates: August 12-Oct 17

Days we Meet: Thursday and Friday

Course Description: In our Advanced Enrichment class we learned how to program in Scratch. Scratch is a program for making continuous animation, games, simulation, music and art. This program uses custom programming language. We learned each category of custom programming language: Motion, Control, Looks, Sensing, Sounds and Pen. Motion is moving custom program. Control is controlling custom program, for example when we click right arrow the avatar go to right. Looks is size, avatar, and communicating custom program. Sensing is sensor custom program, for example when we touch color black the avatar turn to black. Sounds is sounds custom program, for example when we press space avatar say hello. Pen is coloring custom program. We learned what the categories mean and we translated in Khmer to make more understand and remember. We played with the program to change the color to make it big. We thought what story we were going to make. Then we made the stories in Scratch. Also some of us made the games. When we had some of questions we asked teacher or our friends to help. We played with makey makey that connects to Scratch. One example of a game we made is when we touch the Earth material that connects to makey makey and the makey makey connects to computer. The computer plays the sounds.